Saturday, June 19, 2010

The camera is fixed!!!!! Here are the new pics!!!!

Keagans birthday party

On Saturday we had a birthday party to go to, and then we got to go to the Museum of Flight.
This is my favorite picture.

Jake was so excited to see all the plains.

But Jake wouldnt be Jake if he didn't have one meltdown. Dad would join in. :)

They would tow it to the runway and then fly off. It was cool.

Jake was saying sorry to dad for somthing we didnt know what?

He found some buddies to play with..

It was a long day. But we had eachother to lean on.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Guess what????

Bradley can officialy clap his hands now!!
We was sleeping yesterday afternoon. And I noticed he was starting to wake up. So he started to bring his hand up like a stretch. And then he just clapped his hands. Then after that, he just got it. Me and John would clap our hands in front of him and he would just copy us.
Yay bradley can clap now. Big day for a little guy :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oh No!! :( Jacob broke our camera!!!!!

I'm sorry to announce that are camera is out of order. The lens is broken.
So unfortunately we will not have any new pictures until were up and running again.
I just entered Bradley in a beautiful baby contest. I pray will win and use that money to buy another one .... he he! crazier things have happened!
Well for some updates!
I took Bradley in for his Well Baby Check- up, and he is doing great at
29-in. long
He's still growing strong and can almost make it to his knees when army crawling.
And he is now eating rice cereal, and what ever we eat he wants.
Jacob is doing great as well.
He is about to graduate from Little Gym next Thursday June 17th!
All our family will be there in support of him. Except for daddy he has to work... :(
But that's OK, I will be video taping it for John.
We love you all..... kisses everyone!!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Family Fun on a Friday Night!!!

They have so much fun together now. Bradley is now starting to catch up with Jacob by army crawling on the floor. In this picture I had put Bradley in the sink and then Jacob was not about to let that happen with out him joining in on the fun. What one does, the other wants to do.
Brothers for life!